Limitless - Strength through Breath

Optimising physical, mental, emotional wellbeing and performance through breathwork!

Take Control

Did you ever think about what actually happens when we breathe and the effects on our physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing?

Unlike other functions controlled by our autonomic nervous system, for example our heart rate, blood pressure, temperature or digestion, breathing is a two-way communication channel. Breathing is affected by our state, but we can also change our state with our breathing.

We are the only creatures on our beautiful planet who can actually take control of our breath and consciously change the way we breathe.


Therefore, being functional breathers, being able to consciously control our breath and understanding the effects of various breathing techniques is a superpower to have. Especially in our modern lives, where relying just on our automated responses in our bodies don’t serve us no longer.

Our Bodies & Modern Life

We are far too stimulated every day. We are bombarded with stressors and stimulators all the time, even when we are at home, which is supposed to be our safe place. Stress hormones flood our bodies, our heartrate rises, we clench our jaw, tense our shoulder muscles, exaggerate that by staring down at our phones, hunched over…breathing changes.

The cells in our body need oxygen to through thrive. Modern life and bad breathing habits limit the oxygen from entering to the tissue cells and all our body functions. Overtime, this has a negative effect on our bodies and minds, which leads to physiological and neurological systems breaking down.

Breathwork and breath control is vital to ensure we are keeping our bodies free of disease. And remember achieving physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing will support us to achieve what we want in life.

What do I offer?

As a SOMA Breath Advanced Instructor, I am very passionate about empowering people with knowledge, tools and techniques take control of their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and make lasting changes to their lives.

SOMA Breath is a holistic system of breathing techniques, based on pranayama which can be arranged in different ways to meet individual needs.

Whether your goal is to improve your physical health, control your mental and emotional states, feel better about yourself or wish to increase your performance in your work life or in your chosen sport, SOMA Breath can have a profound impact. It certainly had on my life.

Here are some of the benefits of practicing SOMA Breath:

  • Stress management

  • Anxiety relief

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Balanced nervous system

  • Calmer, clearer mind: Better judgement and decision making

  • Mental and physical resilience

  • Increased confidence and self esteem

  • Oxygen efficiency

  • Carbon dioxide tolerance

  • Increased cardiovascular health: more stamina, endurance, better fitness

  • Increased mind-body connection

  • Deep state of mediation

  • Mind reprogramming and self-hypnosis: install new beliefs and become your best self effortlessly

  • Awaken to your soul’s purpose and authentic self

  • Emotional processing and release