To The Moon And Back

Wow, wow, wow! The Challenge ‘To The Moon And Back’ is over.

So, at the end of July I reconnected with a very good friend in Germany. Having known each other over 20 years, chatting again was like we have never been apart. Likeminded people connect in that very special way, don’t they?

He then invited me to join his team of family and friends who signed up to take part in the ‘To The Moon And Back’ challenge. Collectively, all participants were to walk, run, cycle and swim the distance to the moon and back to raise money for the Bishop Sulumeti School for Girls in West Kenia, during the month of August.

Well of course I said yes. Present me with a physical challenge and I can’t help myself.

So over 31 days I did my bit as part of the team and moved 611.5 km. I got very wet many, many times cycling 109.89 km, running 30.96 km, walking 141.05 km and of course got wet swimming 29.6 km. Yes, August presented us with some interesting weather this year. But there were also some gorgeous days too, and I loved every kilometre of it. Living in North Yorkshire, I’m blessed with gorgeous views. At times I felt great gratitude for my health and endurance at the age of 53. I have always been passionate about looking after my health with exercise and good nutrition. Having found breathwork has given me that third pillar for good health, optimising my physical health and mindset to go through with these challenges.

Another thing that crossed my mind many times during the 31 days was, that it is awesome to be part of a team, part of something. Reminded me of the tune from the ‘Lego Movie’ several years ago.

We are not meant to conquer challenges by ourselves. Together we are stronger, physically and mentally. Being part of a team, tribe, community what ever we like to call it, is vital. They are an important source of social connection and give us a sense of belonging. Participating in a community bonded by attitudes, values, and goals is an essential ingredient to enjoying a fulfilling life. One of my favourite SOMA Breath Meditations is actually called ‘Community is Cure’.

The goal was achieved by community that came together to raise money for the school in Kenya. The Lifeplus Foundation, of which we were part of, collectively moved 778,375km in 31 days. WE DID IT!!! The money raised went toward the installation of rainwater collection system, so that the students can enjoy save, clean drinking water. AND we had lots of fun on the way.


Fulfilling Dreams!


Lyke Wake Walk