Conquering Heights: A Journey of Breath and Resilience

In the realm of adventure and exploration, there are moments that test our limits, push our boundaries, and ultimately redefine our capabilities. This was the case on Saturday, 4th May when I embarked on the Coledale 10 Peaks challenge alongside my three friends. We call ourselves the ‘Witchy Warrior’, having completed the Lyke Wake Walk last summer.

It wasn't just a physical feat; it was a journey of inner strength, resilience, and the power of breath.

We started our day with a morning breathwork practice. Inhaling deeply, we summoned our 'inner warriors', harnessing the energy within to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for the challenge that lay ahead. With each breath, we steeled our resolve, knowing that we had a challenge ahead, a challenge we were determined to complete.

We were rewarded with breath-taking views spread out before us, as we reached every peak. Spending a day in this vast glory, alongside likeminded, beautiful people, connecting deeply was like balm for the soul. I felt so content that day. A feeling I haven’t felt for a while. The combination of being outdoors and challenging yourself physically and mentally can be profound.

We knew that every step had been worth it. The journey had been hard, demanding every ounce of our strength and determination, but the reward was beyond measure. They say that the hardest climbs provide the best views, and on that day, that sentiment rang true.

As we descended back to reality, our hearts overflowed with gratitude. Gratitude for the beauty that surrounded us, for the camaraderie of friends who stood by our side, and for the gift of health and ability that allowed us to undertake such a challenge. Each breath, each step, was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power that lies within each of us to overcome obstacles and reach new heights.

In the end, the Coledale 10 Peaks challenge was more than just a physical accomplishment; it was a journey of awakening, of pushing past limitations, and embracing the fullness of life. And as we look back on that day, we do so with a sense of pride, knowing that we not only conquered the mountains but also tapped into something deeper within ourselves.

Coldedale 10 Peaks:

  • Barrow 455m

  • Outerside 568m

  • Causey Pike 637m

  • Scar Crags 672m

  • Sail 773m

  • Crag Hill 839m

  • Wandope 772m

  • Grasmoor 852m

  • Hopegill Head 770m

  • Grisedale Pike 791m

The route was 13 miles in distance with a total ascent of 1,700m, which we finished in 8 hours.


A Transformative Journey - Breathwork Impact in Schools


Fulfilling Dreams!