A Transformative Journey - Breathwork Impact in Schools

My latest Impact Report on the Breathwork Project for 2023-2024 highlights the profound effects of integrating conscious breathing techniques into educational settings. This initiative, launched in March 2022, has reached students and staff at primary and secondary schools, providing them with essential tools for self-regulation and emotional well-being.

Key Program Elements:

  • Sessions: Six weekly one-on-one or small group sessions lasting 20-25 minutes.

  • Education: Science of conscious breathing, functional breathing, and various techniques to manage the nervous system.

  • Objectives: Equip students with skills to achieve calm, focus, stress resilience, mood management, anxiety alleviation, improved sleep, and effective anger management.

Target Audience:

  • Children and young people (ages 9-18)

  • Educators

Impact and Outcomes:

  • Student Sessions (Ages 11-18): 52% of participants showed improved behavior and/or attendance. 82% reported benefits such as increased calmness, reduced anxiety, and better sleep.

  • Classroom Integration: At a primary, 75% of Year 6 pupils actively participate in breathing exercises, resulting in a calmer classroom environment and better stress management.

  • Staff Training: Positive feedback from staff, with many adopting regular breathwork practices and noting reduced anxiety, increased calmness, improved focus, and better stress management.

Challenges and Lessons:

  • Initial resistance from some students and the need for parental support.

  • Importance of regular practice and gradual introduction of techniques for success.

Conclusion and Recommendations:

The breathwork sessions have significantly improved students' emotional well-being and focus. Future programmes should integrate these practices into regular class routines and ensure sustainability through continued staff training and parental involvement.

For a detailed overview, including participant feedback and case studies, read the full Impact Report.

By fostering a supportive environment through breathwork, I aim to help students and educators thrive emotionally and academically.


Conquering Heights: A Journey of Breath and Resilience